About The how to make hair bows Team

Hi, I'm Shelly Begarowicz, The Rat Race Rebel. I’m the "Chief Cook & Bottle Washer" here behind the scenes at "How-To-Make-Hair-Bows.org"
Some things you may not know about me…
I'm a single homeschooling mom of the BEST Kid In The Whole World and a self confessed "Information Junkie and a CRAFTAHOLIC!"
Obscure hand crafts and stitchery are my passions. I love anything that can be embellished with ribbons, beads, buttons or embroidery. I also absolutely love to crochet, but that's another story LOL.
So when I stumbled onto the idea of hair bows I fell instantly in love and this site was born. Best of all it lets me work online!
And that's GREAT because it has allowed me to stay home with and homeschool my daughter. And now she's joining me in my work. I am truly blessed.
Yep, one of the nicest things about getting into hair bows was my daughters enthusiasm for the project. She jumped right in and started learning to make them and now she's my bow designer and side-kick for this project.
You'll be seeing her work more and more as the site grows.
So please grab yourself a cuppa your favorite beverage and explore our site. Don't forget to use the "Contact Form" to let us know what you think of our project so far.
Wishing You And Yours ALL The Best!
Some things you may not know about me…
I'm a single homeschooling mom of the BEST Kid In The Whole World and a self confessed "Information Junkie and a CRAFTAHOLIC!"
Obscure hand crafts and stitchery are my passions. I love anything that can be embellished with ribbons, beads, buttons or embroidery. I also absolutely love to crochet, but that's another story LOL.
So when I stumbled onto the idea of hair bows I fell instantly in love and this site was born. Best of all it lets me work online!
And that's GREAT because it has allowed me to stay home with and homeschool my daughter. And now she's joining me in my work. I am truly blessed.
Yep, one of the nicest things about getting into hair bows was my daughters enthusiasm for the project. She jumped right in and started learning to make them and now she's my bow designer and side-kick for this project.
You'll be seeing her work more and more as the site grows.
So please grab yourself a cuppa your favorite beverage and explore our site. Don't forget to use the "Contact Form" to let us know what you think of our project so far.
Wishing You And Yours ALL The Best!